The novel, based on fictional events, is set in the years 2000-2005, when a young boy in Ahmedabad named Govind dreams of starting a business. To accommodate his friends Ishaan and Omi's passion, they open a cricket shop. However, each has a different motive: Govind's goal is to make money; Ishaan desires to nurture Ali, a gifted batsman; Omi just wants to be with his friends. Govind is the narrator and the central character of the novel, and the story revolves around the three mistakes caused by him and the religious politics
Chetan Bhagat again feels compelled to provide a framing device for The Three Mistakes of my Life: the mistakes are not his but rather those of Govind Patel. A Prologue describes how Bhagat came to the story, with a suicidal Govind having sent him an e-mail and Bhagat rushing to Ahmedabad (from Singapore !) to hear the young man's story. Govind warns that his story: "is not trendy or sexy like the IITs and call centres", but Bhagat sits by his hospital bedside and wants to hear the whole thing.
Govind's account begins in 2000. He's a very good maths student, living in the sleepy metropolis of Ahmedabad,Gujarat , but has limited opportunities to study at a decent college; in any case, he wants to go into business and help support his mother. Govind has two close friends, Ishaan (called Ish), who is a very talented cricket player, and Omi, whose father is the priest at the local Swamibhakti temple.
They're cricket-obsessed youngsters, and neither Ish nor Omi have much of an idea what to do with their lives -- but Govind does. He wants to open a cricket shop, right in theSwami temple complex -- an ideal location both because of the cheap rent and the enormous amount of traffic, especially of bored kids -- and his two friends are just the partners he could use. To know what happen more you should read the novel and read the novel in your Pc by clicking the link below. Download full novel by clicking the link below.
Govind's account begins in 2000. He's a very good maths student, living in the sleepy metropolis of Ahmedabad,
They're cricket-obsessed youngsters, and neither Ish nor Omi have much of an idea what to do with their lives -- but Govind does. He wants to open a cricket shop, right in the
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